Ban of Wet Wood and Wood Burning Stoves

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Ban of Wet Wood and Wood Burning Stoves

Wet Wood Ban, Northern Ireland

Recent headlines declaring the Government in the UK are to introduce a ban on wood burning has meant we’ve received a lot of calls from concerned customers here at Surefire Wood. 

There has been a frenzy of newspaper columns and false headlines coming from the media such as ‘Wood Burning Stoves to be banned from next year’, however, it is important to know this is just not true.

Here at Surefire Wood, we have continued to grow our business for over 30 years through the sale of kiln dried wood.  Our customers recognise the benefits instantly of good quality, clean wood for burning. 

Those retailers who used to sell ‘seasoned’ or ‘wet wood’ quickly realise their sales skyrocket once they start selling kiln dried wood instead. 

Those customers who used to burn ‘seasoned or wet wood’ quickly realise the benefits of burning kiln dried wood in their stove. 

  • Higher Heat
  • Instant Heat
  • Clean Glass
  • Less Ash
  • Lower Emissions
  • Cleaner Chimney and Flue
  • Lower Cost


Although it may seem more expensive to purchase dry logs, it is actually cheaper when it comes to burning.  Why?  Producing more heat means, you will burn less wood.  Wet or poorly seasoned wood will never produce the heat that kiln dried wood does. 

Overall, we believe consumers will ultimately benefit once the facts become clear.

It is also important to note that new legislation announced does not affect all areas of the United Kingdom.  The governments in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have or will hold their own consultations this year.

Below is Defra’s intention in England



We have taken account of all the responses received to the consultation.  The publication of the Government Response announces Defra’s intention to introduce legislation for the following fuels:



Require all wood sold for domestic combustion in volumes under 2m3 to have a moisture content of 20% or less. This will come into effect one year from publication of the Government Response with small foresters being given an extra year to become compliant. 

Suppliers of wood in volumes in excess of 2m3 will be required to provide customers with instructions for seasoning wet wood, and these will be accompanied by a warning advising that wood is not suitable to be burnt without appropriate drying. 

Retailers will be required to store seasoned wood in such a way as to keep it dry and not exceed the 20% moisture level.

Manufactured Solid fuels

The existing smoke control area sulphur and smoke emission standards for manufactured solid fuels will be extended to cover the whole of England.  This will come into effect one year from publication of the Government Response.



Sales of all pre-packaged bituminous house coal (i.e. that sold through retailers, supermarkets and DIY stores) will be banned one year from publication of the Government Response. This ban will not apply to loose sales of coal direct to customers via approved coal merchants for a further two years.

We understand that those who burn coal as a primary heat source, and are more likely to be in fuel poverty, are most likely to have their coal delivered by registered coal merchants.  We plan to work with coal merchants through the Approved Coal Merchants Scheme to ensure they advise and educate their direct delivery customers with a view to switching them from coal to MSFs during the two year transition period during which they will still be able to deliver coal directly to customers.  

Evidence shows that manufactured solid fuels are more efficient on an energy efficiency basis than coal, making them cheaper to burn. The phased transition period will allow coal users to switch to an alternative fuel that meets their needs.

We will be running a communications campaign to help consumers understand what they can do to reduce the impact on their health and the environment when using solid fuels to heat their homes. We will also create detailed guidance on what the new legislation means for consumers, retailers and suppliers

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