Loyalty Scheme
Use your loyalty points to get product discounts
Customers that create an account with Surefire Wood are automatically entitled to our online loyalty scheme. With every product bought, our members gain points that can instantly be used as discount towards subsequent purchases.
Become a member today
Earning Points
- For each £1.00 you spend on our store, you earn 1 Point
Using Your Points
To redeem your points against an order:
- Make sure you are logged in to your account
- Add your chosen products to your cart
- Use the 'Apply Points' button to apply any available points against your order. The default value shown in the field is how many points you currently have. You can check your points history from the dashboard of your account
- You will see the updated total of your order
Terms of Use
- You can apply points for orders with total price over GBP 10.00
- 25% of order can be paid at the cart page using points
- 1 Point can give you GBP 0.05 discount
- You will receive points for the purchase when the order receives "Paid" status
Points History
As a logged in member, you can view your current balance of points, as well as the history of your points from the dashboard of your account.